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Rather Obvious Catfish Provo Fact Number Twenty-Two:
Bob the Angry Flower demands TRIBUTE! KNEEL BEFORE HIS MIGHT
Want more spew? Whatever you do, beware the Headless Cow!
And as a parting shot, a sample from the Weekly World Spew's concert, club and music classifieds:
Weekly World Spew Concert, Club and Music Classifieds | Sir Morgan's Cove extended set this Friday. Five hours of Spruce Hill Call (579) 555-4988 for tickets! | Tearing down the walls this Monday - Druid Position with Watch City Monk Super-Stars and Quadriplegic Lemurs!! |
Live at Joe's Place! Ceep Blue with Guitarists United Against Nuclear Power! Chemical Rumpus! and The Saucetones! | Appearing for one time only this weekend - Tiger Socks with Widget and Morning Teens!! |